Release Notes

Release versions and platform updates

1.7.0 Jupiter (2024-07-03)


  • Network Composer: It is possible to choose the chaincode to deploy in the network

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Added unique attributes logic

  • Portal: Free Trial activation for all the plans

Bug Fixes

  • Network Composer: Consortia, Channels and Peers autogeneration, now they are getting the right organizations

  • Network Composer: Network project name can not be empty

  • Network Composer: Successful save message after not chaning the user details

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Added defaultElementComponent for ElementLoopDoCondition

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Added FIND_WITH_THIS_PATH to the filters logic

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Element loop iterator label bypass

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Fixed constraint error on start

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Fixed xml for import library

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Fixed xml generation for imports components

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Issue with asset definition query index

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Operation condition with missing operationType

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Solverd issue with missing custom constructor on refresh page

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Updated dialog button

  • Smart Contracts IDE: Validation error for event input params

1.6.1 Jupiter (2024-05-22)


  • Smart Contract IDE: Added conditional create component logic

  • Smart Contract IDE: Added preview of the operations for the rendering as dialog component

  • Smart Contract IDE: Modal restyle - added preview for the conditions

  • Smart Contract IDE: Modal restyle - part 1

Bug Fixes

  • Portal: Label for registration with Linkedin

  • Smart Contract IDE: Added new import endpoint functioncall and minor fixes

  • Smart Contract IDE: Added remove all property in create component relations

  • Smart Contract IDE: Create component fix for current space diagram

  • Smart Contract IDE: Fixed html preview issues

  • Smart Contract IDE: Fixed deletability issue for data entity manipulation

  • Smart Contract IDE: Fixed import contract references

  • Smart Contract IDE: Fixed operation assign issue when free input

  • Smart Contract IDE: Fixed performance issues for create component logic

  • Smart Contract IDE: Issue with specialDataEntites

  • Smart Contract IDE: json to xml fix for operation struct

  • Smart Contract IDE: Modified create component logic to add global data entities

  • Smart Contract IDE: Modified selectTable component for modifier call

  • Smart Contract IDE: NextElement issue when deleting a node

  • Smart Contract IDE: NextElement issue when Drag&Drop edge

  • Smart Contract IDE: Select table update

  • Smart Contract IDE: Update filter for create component

  • Smart Contract IDE: Updated preview html from react-html-parser to html-react-parser

  • Smart Contract IDE: Updated select table for modifier

  • Smart Contract IDE: Updated selectOrFreeInput for data entity pointer

1.6.0 Jupiter (2024-04-23)


  • Portal: Loader on deleting project, opening template and updated the project list view

  • Portal: Added a loader when deleting a project from the list

Bug Fixes

  • Portal: Recaptcha token too long problem

  • Portal: Fixed the project list table, with less columns and better description viewer

  • Changed the way to open a project/template

  • Updated the templates tags

1.5.1 Jupiter (2024-03-21)

Performance Improvements

  • Open payment flow from url query parameters

Bug Fixes

  • Portal: On user registration

  • Portal: Session expired

1.5.0 Jupiter (2024-02-21)


  • Portal: Template page restyling

1.4.0 Jupiter (2024-02-05)


  • Portal: Google IDP integration and new login look and feel

  • Portal: Linkedin login integration

  • Shared: New generator integration

  • Smart Contract IDE: Added default values functionalities

  • Smart Contract IDE: Added generic function for create component

  • Smart Contract IDE: Code preview renderer with edit functionalities

Bug Fixes

  • Portal: Label update from Import a Template to Use a Template

  • Portal: Login performance improvement

  • Portal: New project button disabled if an error occurred

  • Portal: Problem with the label translations

  • Portal: The logout cycle sometimes breaks down

  • Portal: Toolbar logo disappears and turns blue when you change screens

  • Portal: Username login was case sensitive

  • Smart Contract IDE: added auto design for the first function custom onload

  • Smart Contract IDE: create data entity struct

  • Smart Contract IDE: fixed createComponent logic with data entity special

  • Smart Contract IDE: fixed issue with boolean default value

  • Smart Contract IDE: issues with redirect when logged out

  • Smart Contract IDE: ledger transaction return value issue

  • Smart Contract IDE: login issue with redirect

  • Smart Contract IDE: mapping component issues with new data entity free input

  • Smart Contract IDE: matchAttribute function issue with undefined values

  • Smart Contract IDE: sidebar issue when editing the contract

  • Smart Contract IDE: typecoercion subtype issue from imports

  • Smart Contract IDE: updated query index in asset definition

1.3.0 Mars (2023-11-09)


  • Portal: Template Engine (create project starting from a template)

  • Portal: Pagination to invoices table

Bug Fixes

  • Network Composer: about the costraint on the download network project

  • Portal: bug about the error messagges manager

  • Portal: counters and features differentiation for networks and IDE

  • Portal: discount not showing in plans page

1.2.0 Mars (2023-10-10)


  • New premium Features (and constraints for the Solidity Smart Contract IDE) and new subscription payment flow

  • Smart Contract IDE: added modal for project name editing

1.1.1 Mars (2023-10-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for some error messages

  • Fix on coupon code usage

  • Label for the generate button in the network composer

  • Smart Contract IDE: getGenDataForDownload BE call update

  • Smart Contract IDE: url composition update in the composer component, with type and bcType params.

1.1.0 Mars (2023-09-19)


  • Automatic addition of a node when an ordering service is generated.

  • Automatic creation of Certificate Authority.

  • Add remainig project number in tooltip.

  • Added counter remaining values in user page.

  • Produktly Integration.

  • Set select in network composer based on json.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix error old project compatibily.

1.0.3 Mars (2023-08-29)


  • Smart Contract IDE: new "ElseDestination" component.

  • Smart Contract IDE: autosave.

  • Portal: new mobile style.

  • Portal: new layout for the plans list.

  • Updating of the visualization table of the list of projects and folders.

  • Terms & Conditions update.

Bug Fixes

  • Smart Contract IDE: The contract name must start with a capital letter

  • Smart Contract IDE: deletability issue for element function call with data entity free input

  • Smart Contract IDE: deletability issue for the component mapping inside operation assign

  • Smart Contract IDE: edit inputparams issue

  • Smart Contract IDE: loop iterator issue (mandatory checkbox for is Inclusive breaks the modal)

  • Smart Contract IDE: issue with save project with empty space (constraints block saving if there is no function drawn in the diagram)

  • Portal: style UX minor fixes.

  • Fix on sharing projects.

1.0.2 Mars (2023-08-03)


  • Restyling of the portal section related to project management.

  • Restyling of the Smart Contract IDE.

  • Smart Contract IDE: Added the Condition component.

  • Network composer: Added the ability to delete edges between nodes.

  • Network composer: Possibility to add Peers to Ordering Services directly from the Organization.

  • Ability to manage payment methods on the user's billing page.

Bug Fixes

  • Mobile: alert inviting the user to use a PC, now can be closed, and the user can continue browsing.

  • Network composer: Fix for projects that do not meet the constraints; now it's possible to delete the components that raise the error.

  • Smart Contract IDE: Fix for displaying the documentation button of the forms.

  • Smart Contract IDE: Deletion of mappings and function calls.

  • Smart Contract IDE: Edit params for a data entity.

  • Smart Contract IDE: Fix for memory leak during generation.

1.0.1 Mars (2023-07-19)


  • Update to the new payment flow for Premium Features.

  • Network composer: ability to delete edges between nodes.

  • Network composer: now possible to create peers and ordering service directly during organization creation.

  • Network composer: added feature allowing default values to be set in various fields of a component.

  • Network composer: automatic creation of channel, peer, and ordering when adding a consortium.

  • Updated Terms & Conditions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the menu displaying a list of projects (belonging to the same workspace) in the left column. Previously, clicking on a project did nothing instead of opening the project.

  • Resolved the issue where an alert message was not displayed when accessing the platform from a mobile device, preventing registration and login.

  • Fixed a possible memory leak problem.

  • Constraint validation now triggered when deleting a node from a diagram.

1.0.0 Mars (2023-04-12)


  • Import functionality allows now to import 160+ of the most popular Smart Contracts.

  • Share Project allows sharing Smart Contracts projects with other users.

  • Undo/Redo option is now available.

  • Configuration Sidebar added to the right of the composer.

  • General restyle of the interface for an updated and improved UI.

  • Internationalization translations with i18.

Bug Fixes

  • Download project.

  • ElementRef on event emission.

  • Deletability for the mapping in the case of data entity free input.

  • On edit event when the windows is closed without saving.

  • Delete Contract doesn't delete the diagram.

Last updated