Release Notes
Release versions and platform updates
1.9.0 Jupiter (2024-12-16)
Services Page: Notarization Service added
Bug Fixes
Network composer: when selecting the chaincode to associate at the network the
select input form
label was wrong, now fixed
1.8.0 Jupiter (2024-10-28)
Portal: Add Services Page
Portal: Add Auditor Service
Portal-SC: Solidity smart contract creation project powered by AI
Network composer: add video-tutorial links to the components
1.7.0 Jupiter (2024-07-03)
Network Composer: It is possible to choose the chaincode to deploy in the network
Smart Contracts IDE: Added unique attributes logic
Portal: Free Trial activation for all the plans
Bug Fixes
Network Composer: Consortia, Channels and Peers autogeneration, now they are getting the right organizations
Network Composer: Network project name can not be empty
Network Composer: Successful save message after not chaning the user details
Smart Contracts IDE: Added defaultElementComponent for ElementLoopDoCondition
Smart Contracts IDE: Added FIND_WITH_THIS_PATH to the filters logic
Smart Contracts IDE: Element loop iterator label bypass
Smart Contracts IDE: Fixed constraint error on start
Smart Contracts IDE: Fixed xml for import library
Smart Contracts IDE: Fixed xml generation for imports components
Smart Contracts IDE: Issue with asset definition query index
Smart Contracts IDE: Operation condition with missing operationType
Smart Contracts IDE: Solverd issue with missing custom constructor on refresh page
Smart Contracts IDE: Updated dialog button
Smart Contracts IDE: Validation error for event input params
1.6.1 Jupiter (2024-05-22)
Smart Contract IDE: Added conditional create component logic
Smart Contract IDE: Added preview of the operations for the rendering as dialog component
Smart Contract IDE: Modal restyle - added preview for the conditions
Smart Contract IDE: Modal restyle - part 1
Bug Fixes
Portal: Label for registration with Linkedin
Smart Contract IDE: Added new import endpoint functioncall and minor fixes
Smart Contract IDE: Added remove all property in create component relations
Smart Contract IDE: Create component fix for current space diagram
Smart Contract IDE: Fixed html preview issues
Smart Contract IDE: Fixed deletability issue for data entity manipulation
Smart Contract IDE: Fixed import contract references
Smart Contract IDE: Fixed operation assign issue when free input
Smart Contract IDE: Fixed performance issues for create component logic
Smart Contract IDE: Issue with specialDataEntites
Smart Contract IDE: json to xml fix for operation struct
Smart Contract IDE: Modified create component logic to add global data entities
Smart Contract IDE: Modified selectTable component for modifier call
Smart Contract IDE: NextElement issue when deleting a node
Smart Contract IDE: NextElement issue when Drag&Drop edge
Smart Contract IDE: Select table update
Smart Contract IDE: Update filter for create component
Smart Contract IDE: Updated preview html from react-html-parser to html-react-parser
Smart Contract IDE: Updated select table for modifier
Smart Contract IDE: Updated selectOrFreeInput for data entity pointer
1.6.0 Jupiter (2024-04-23)
Portal: Loader on deleting project, opening template and updated the project list view
Portal: Added a loader when deleting a project from the list
Bug Fixes
Portal: Recaptcha token too long problem
Portal: Fixed the project list table, with less columns and better description viewer
Changed the way to open a project/template
Updated the templates tags
1.5.1 Jupiter (2024-03-21)
Performance Improvements
Open payment flow from url query parameters
Bug Fixes
Portal: On user registration
Portal: Session expired
1.5.0 Jupiter (2024-02-21)
Portal: Template page restyling
1.4.0 Jupiter (2024-02-05)
Portal: Google IDP integration and new login look and feel
Portal: Linkedin login integration
Shared: New generator integration
Smart Contract IDE: Added default values functionalities
Smart Contract IDE: Added generic function for create component
Smart Contract IDE: Code preview renderer with edit functionalities
Bug Fixes
Portal: Label update from Import a Template to Use a Template
Portal: Login performance improvement
Portal: New project button disabled if an error occurred
Portal: Problem with the label translations
Portal: The logout cycle sometimes breaks down
Portal: Toolbar logo disappears and turns blue when you change screens
Portal: Username login was case sensitive
Smart Contract IDE: added auto design for the first function custom onload
Smart Contract IDE: create data entity struct
Smart Contract IDE: fixed createComponent logic with data entity special
Smart Contract IDE: fixed issue with boolean default value
Smart Contract IDE: issues with redirect when logged out
Smart Contract IDE: ledger transaction return value issue
Smart Contract IDE: login issue with redirect
Smart Contract IDE: mapping component issues with new data entity free input
Smart Contract IDE: matchAttribute function issue with undefined values
Smart Contract IDE: sidebar issue when editing the contract
Smart Contract IDE: typecoercion subtype issue from imports
Smart Contract IDE: updated query index in asset definition
1.3.0 Mars (2023-11-09)
Portal: Template Engine (create project starting from a template)
Portal: Pagination to invoices table
Bug Fixes
Network Composer: about the costraint on the download network project
Portal: bug about the error messagges manager
Portal: counters and features differentiation for networks and IDE
Portal: discount not showing in plans page
1.2.0 Mars (2023-10-10)
New premium Features (and constraints for the Solidity Smart Contract IDE) and new subscription payment flow
Smart Contract IDE: added modal for project name editing
1.1.1 Mars (2023-10-04)
Bug Fixes
Fix for some error messages
Fix on coupon code usage
Label for the generate button in the network composer
Smart Contract IDE: getGenDataForDownload BE call update
Smart Contract IDE: url composition update in the composer component, with type and bcType params.
1.1.0 Mars (2023-09-19)
Automatic addition of a node when an ordering service is generated.
Automatic creation of Certificate Authority.
Add remainig project number in tooltip.
Added counter remaining values in user page.
Produktly Integration.
Set select in network composer based on json.
Bug Fixes
Fix error old project compatibily.
1.0.3 Mars (2023-08-29)
Smart Contract IDE: new "ElseDestination" component.
Smart Contract IDE: autosave.
Portal: new mobile style.
Portal: new layout for the plans list.
Updating of the visualization table of the list of projects and folders.
Terms & Conditions update.
Bug Fixes
Smart Contract IDE: The contract name must start with a capital letter
Smart Contract IDE: deletability issue for element function call with data entity free input
Smart Contract IDE: deletability issue for the component mapping inside operation assign
Smart Contract IDE: edit inputparams issue
Smart Contract IDE: loop iterator issue (mandatory checkbox for is Inclusive breaks the modal)
Smart Contract IDE: issue with save project with empty space (constraints block saving if there is no function drawn in the diagram)
Portal: style UX minor fixes.
Fix on sharing projects.
1.0.2 Mars (2023-08-03)
Restyling of the portal section related to project management.
Restyling of the Smart Contract IDE.
Smart Contract IDE: Added the Condition component.
Network composer: Added the ability to delete edges between nodes.
Network composer: Possibility to add Peers to Ordering Services directly from the Organization.
Ability to manage payment methods on the user's billing page.
Bug Fixes
Mobile: alert inviting the user to use a PC, now can be closed, and the user can continue browsing.
Network composer: Fix for projects that do not meet the constraints; now it's possible to delete the components that raise the error.
Smart Contract IDE: Fix for displaying the documentation button of the forms.
Smart Contract IDE: Deletion of mappings and function calls.
Smart Contract IDE: Edit params for a data entity.
Smart Contract IDE: Fix for memory leak during generation.
1.0.1 Mars (2023-07-19)
Update to the new payment flow for Premium Features.
Network composer: ability to delete edges between nodes.
Network composer: now possible to create peers and ordering service directly during organization creation.
Network composer: added feature allowing default values to be set in various fields of a component.
Network composer: automatic creation of channel, peer, and ordering when adding a consortium.
Updated Terms & Conditions.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the menu displaying a list of projects (belonging to the same workspace) in the left column. Previously, clicking on a project did nothing instead of opening the project.
Resolved the issue where an alert message was not displayed when accessing the platform from a mobile device, preventing registration and login.
Fixed a possible memory leak problem.
Constraint validation now triggered when deleting a node from a diagram.
1.0.0 Mars (2023-04-12)
Import functionality allows now to import 160+ of the most popular Smart Contracts.
Share Project allows sharing Smart Contracts projects with other users.
Undo/Redo option is now available.
Configuration Sidebar added to the right of the composer.
General restyle of the interface for an updated and improved UI.
Internationalization translations with i18.
Bug Fixes
Download project.
ElementRef on event emission.
Deletability for the mapping in the case of data entity free input.
On edit event when the windows is closed without saving.
Delete Contract doesn't delete the diagram.
Last updated