

Imports are external files (contracts) that can be added to a project in order to extend its functionality or start with an already defined framework and extend it.


An import's name is used to name and differentiate imports. It is advised that the name be specific and descriptive enough to be able to infer the import's purpose and distinguish it from other imports.

The Import Type is associated to the necessity and utility of the import that is being added to the project. Under each type one can find different imports that are as such suitable for different purposes. Contract imports are imports used to deploy other contracts from the current contract. Inheritance imports are imports used as base contract to be extended by the current contract. Library imports are imports that add functionality to the current contract by providing additional functions and/or data entities in the form of a library.


  • Contract: Contract Imports are imports used to deploy other contracts from the current contract. Once a contract is imported this way, it will be possible to deploy it via the Contract Instantiation Element in any of this contract's Functions flows.

  • Library: Library Imports are imports that add functionality to the current contract by providing additional functions and/or data entities in the form of a library. Such additional functions and data entities can then be freely utilized by the importer contract.

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